
Thursday 27 June 2013

The rebound

Relationships are complicated, and not easy to deal with. I think that's something we can all agree on.

And as much as our friends are always trying to be there for us, to help us navigate through those complications, it seems to me they usually make it so much worse 'cause usually none of them agree, which only further complicates the inital problem you are facing. 

He cheated: do you forgive him or not? Your sister says forgive him, your best friend says don't. Who do you listen to? 

She slept with you on the first date: does it make her a slut or was the night's chemistry really special? Your brother says don't call  her back, your best friend asks if the sex was good. What do you do? 

You broke up less than a month ago, and you are dating.  All of your friends are concerned: too early to date again according to them.  Are they right or wrong? 

My opinion: they are wrong 'cause life is too short. I know this sounds cliche, but who cares. 

I just got back from a 5 day trip with what my friends called my rebound.

My ex and I only broke up in March, and yes we occasionally still have sex,  but that's not the point, that will be an entire  post on its own, probably written by B, my blogging and crime partner - who is threatening to send me to North Korea if I have sex with my ex one more time --> there will be a compilation of her threatening emails coming soon.

Anyhow, my point is that my rebound was loads of fun. We went to Iceland together and had a blast. I didn't fall madly in love with him - mainly because he got mad at me for not knowing what pop-tarts were and not liking sprinkles - I do like Skittles a lot though.  And I am not in a fragile state where I need to see him to keep myself from thinking about my ex. He was a fun distraction - the sex was really great and completely feelings-free and now I am over him.  

So why is everyone always warning against rebounds? What is so terrible about rebounds? 

Is this better? 

Hot guy Vs. cat ... I think I made the right choice.


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