
Monday, 26 August 2013

Bi guys

Okay, this was inspired by B's comments.  I was curious have/would either of you date a bisexual guy?  I was curious because there does seem to be a double standard out there.  Most guys don't seem to mind if their person of interest is into girls too, but it seems like most women have a very strict thing about not dating guys who are into guys too.  Why is that?  I mean I get the straight guy and bi-girl thing (he's thinking threesome), Why not the other way?  


  1. I think most women have a hard time believing that men can be bi. It is as if once you cross the line and like dudes, that's it. Even if you do a girl occasionnaly, it is only to prove that you are not completely gay. And since girls are very much about being the center of a guy's attention, we don't like the thought of being second choice. I am not sure this explains anything - I realize it probably doesn't make much sense - but I can't seem to find the right words to explain my thoughts. But basicallly, when a girl tells a guy that she already did another girl, the guy thinks : OK she experienced something different, and perhaps I can get her to set up a threesome. But they don't think "Oh she is going to leave me for another girl." Girls on the other hand -'cause we are crazy and not very open minded - we think "Oh he is going to realize at some point that he likes dudes better and I will be left with a gay husband and two children."

  2. Now see, I think the opposite. A lot of the bi guys I know only have casual sex with other guys and relationships with women (many of who have no clue they are bi). I always figure in the long run they will marry a woman because it is more socially acceptable. Much like most of the bi girls I know are at the age where they are all getting boyfriends and husbands.

    1. I think what you are saying is totally right, which is why women don't want anything to do with bi guys ... they feel like they are being chosen not by choice, but by obligation .. just to fit into society ...

    2. Hey I can see that. That would suck. Always feeling like you were the "safe choice".
