
Friday 26 July 2013

Penis Swords

I like all of them, but my favorite I have to say is Jamie's idea of the penis swords. However it could be misunderstood since penis sword is an actual expression in English, and the meaning is not pretty: "A sword penis is a term used to identify a man's penis after he has enjoyed lancing a woman's vagina while she is on her period." There was more, but it got a  little too graphic so I stopped there. 

Now the reason why I found this explanation is not because I am weird or obsessed with penis. I was Googling "sword penis" to find images that would be funny, and forgot to hit the "Image" button and then all this interesting articles came up. 

According to an online news-article called  " Get a job to buy me a new penis," a 64 year-old Bulgarian man got his penis chopped by his friend who was  playing with a Samurai sword. The friend got sentenced 6 years of jail time, but the penisless man got them to drop the charges. Not out of kindness, but because he wanted his friend to get a job so he could buy him a new penis . 

And also a tattoo artist decided to draw a 40 centimeter penis on this guy's back - the guy had asked for an oriental yen and yang tattoo. How much would that suck?Huh? 

Of course I also found a picture :) 

Not sure why the dudes are Asian - perhaps it is a reference to the Samurai  

Anyhow back to your amazing list, here are my additions:

a one night stand kind of guy: a condom
a guy scared of commitment: a Tiffany store with a big red cross or going up in flames - I will let you pick since I couldn't make up my mind
a guy who has weird pets: a cage 
a guy who is bad at sex: a box of Viagra
a guy who is too much into himself: a mirror 

PS: I want to know about the barking dog thing as soon as possible 



  1. Bad lay: an O with an X through it.
    Commitment phobe: isn't that every man?
    But yeah, there should be a warning on men with kids. Maybe a puke patch on his shoulder for each kid.
    A guy who is a minute man: a stopwatch
    Love the mirror. I know a few guys who have earned that badge.

    1. You and C are both men, right? and you are in a committed relationship, aren't you?
      Love the stopwatch - brilliant!

    2. But, C and I were blind sided, not planned. Weren't dating even, just fucking.

    3. And then we realized we were doing more than fucking. So we broke up. Commitment phobic:)

    4. But you guys are back together so what's your explanation?

    5. Perhaps initial panic wore off as well in my case.

  2. Oh, and the penis sword thing, TMI. Just ew.

  3. Yeah I know But I felt you guys should know.

  4. On a related note, how many picture of guys junk do you get in the run of a week?
